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What Is Strep A Infection? How Is It Transmitted? What Are The Symptoms?

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Strep A infection, which has been seen in the UK and the USA recently and which we frequently hear about in the media, has started to be seen in Turkey. In our article, “What is Strep A infection?”, “How is Strep A virus transmitted?”, “What are the symptoms of Strep A virus?” We will detail the answers to questions such as "How is Strep A Virus treated?" and "How is Strep A Virus treated?"

Strep A is a common type of bacteria. Most strep A infections, usually seen in children, are mild and easily treatable, but some are more serious.

What Are The Symptoms of Strep A Infection?

Common symptoms of Strep A infection include:

  • Flu-like symptoms such as fever and body aches,
  • Sore throat (streptococcal sore throat or tonsillitis),
  • Nausea and vomiting.

What Is Invasive Group A Strep?

Most Strep A infections are not serious and can be treated with antibiotics. However, in rare cases, it can cause serious problems. This is called invasive group A strep.

What Should You Do When Your Child Has a Strep A Infection?

Although it can be difficult to tell when your child is seriously ill, it's important to trust your instincts. You know better than anyone what your child is normally like, so you're more likely to know when something is seriously wrong.

Unless your child appears seriously ill, you can usually care for him at home. In such cases, they are expected to feel better within a few days. You can give children paracetamol or children's ibuprofen if they are uncomfortable. Be sure to check the medication leaflet to make sure that the medication is suitable for your child and in what dosage he/she should use it.

If your child has symptoms such as high fever, sore throat and rash, you should seek help from a doctor.

In the following cases, your child needs to be examined by a doctor immediately:

  • If your child is sick and getting worse,
  • If your child eats much less than usual,
  • If your child's diaper is less wet than usual, urinates less than usual, or shows other signs of dehydration.
  • If your baby is less than 3 months old and has a fever of 38 degrees Celsius or higher, or is between 3 and 6 months old and has a fever of 39 degrees Celsius or higher,
  • If your child is very tired or irritable,

You need to call 155 emergency call center in the following cases:

  • If your child has difficulty breathing,
  • If your child experiences pauses in breathing,
  • If your child's skin, tongue or lips are blue or gray (with black or brown skin, these symptoms can be seen more easily on the palms or soles of the feet),
  • Has difficulty waking up or cannot stay awake.

How Is Strep A Infection Diagnosed?

Streptococcus is usually seen in children between the ages of 5-15. A rapid strep test and/or throat culture is taken to diagnose the infection.

  • Strep A Test: This test may be requested, especially if the patient complains of sore throat. A strep test may also be requested in cases such as difficulty swallowing, high fever, severe sore throat and swollen tonsils.
  • Throat Culture Test: Throat culture test gives more effective results than rapid strep test. The results of the test are available within 1 or 2 days.

How To Treat Strep A Infection?

Most Strep A infections can be easily treated with antibiotics.

If you or your child has a strep A infection, you should stay away from day care, school, or work for 24 hours after starting antibiotics. This will help prevent the infection from spreading to other people.

Serious strep A infections (invasive group A strep) need to be treated with antibiotics in the hospital.

How is Strep A Infection Transmitted?

Strep A infections are spread by close contact with an infected person. They can be transmitted through coughing and sneezing or through a wound on your body.

Strep a bacteria can be present in some people without causing symptoms or feeling unwell. However, these people can transmit the bacteria to others.

What Are The Factors That Increase The Risk of Contracting Strep A Infection?

Things that will increase your risk of getting a Strep A infection include:

  • A weakened immune system,
  • Open wounds,
  • Some viral infections such as cold or flu

Infections such as Strep A can easily spread to other people. To reduce your chances of catching or transmitting an infection:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
  • Throw away used tissues as quickly as possible.