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Private Yildirim Medicabil Hospital

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  • Private Yildirim Medicabil Hospital
Our Modern technological structure is one of the most important elements that will allow us to achieve excellence in all the services we offer. Therefore, by following developments in technology, we are constantly improving our infrastructure with the latest technologies to increase the efficiency, quality and efficiency of our services. With our advanced technological infrastructure and expert manpower, we serve in international standards that adhere to ethical rules, are reliable, respect patient and patient rights, depend on employee and patient safety, contribute to quality improvement and sustainability through scientific and academic studies. Private Medicabil Hospital
Orthopedics and Traumatology
General Surgery
Child Health and diseases
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Anesthesiology and reanimation
Ear, Nose And Throat Diseases
Internal Medicine)
Neurology (brain and Nervous Diseases)
Eye Diseases
Nutrition and Dietetics
Emergency Service
Private Medicabil Hospital Lightning Units
Maternity Unit
Operating rooms
Endoscopy Unit
Ambulance Services