Throat Ache

Sore throat is one of the most common medical complaints. Too many people in Turkey go to the doctor with this complaint.
A sore throat is a complaint that occurs in various diseases, especially infections. Infections are caused by viruses (such as colds, flu) or bacteria. The most important difference between viruses and bacteria is that viruses do not respond, although bacteria respond to antibiotics. Viruses: a sore throat most commonly caused by viruses is a sore throat that is accompanied by a runny nose, itching, sneezing, resentment and pain in the body, and one of the hundreds of known types of viruses is the cause of the disease. The body beats the disease in about a week by producing antibodies against viruses. Sore throat can also be accompanied by other viral diseases such as measles, chickenpox, whooping cough and kurp. AFTs and fever blisters in the throat can also be quite painful. A special viral infection called exquisite mononucleosis can take longer than a week to heal. The virus settles into the lymph system, creating swelling in the tonsils, neck, armpit and groin. This disease, along with severe pain in the throat, can sometimes cause difficulty breathing, liver disease and associated jaundice. It also causes severe fatigue, which can last 6 weeks or longer. This disease affects people in bulug age or young adulthood. Because the disease is transmitted by saliva, it is also called kissing disease.

The disease can also be transmitted by mouth-to-hand, hand-to-mouth, or by using the same towels or cutlery. Bacteria: sore throat is a condition that can also be caused by various types of Streptococci. The disease can also affect the heart valves and kidneys. Streptococci can also lead to tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis and ear diseases. Because of all these serious complications, a sore throat caused by streptococci should be treated with antibiotics. Bacterial sore throats usually cause disease that lasts longer than a cold. If the disease caused by streptococci cannot be recognized by examination, a throat culture may be required.

The recently introduced ‘strep test " can indicate the presence of streptococcal infection within 15 minutes compared to the reproduction time in a 24-hour culture. The positivity of these tests causes the doctor to prescribe antibiotics. But strep testing or culture antibiotics can cause many bacteria that deserve to be overlooked. Tonsollitis is an inflammation of the tonsils located on both sides of the throat. In the first 2-3 years of life, these tissues catch the infection and help the child create his own defense system.

Healthy tonsils do not remain infected, and frequent sore throats due to tonsillitis indicate that inflammation in the tonsils is not fully treated. A recent study has shown that children who have frequent episodes of tonsillitis (3-4 episodes of tonsillitis a year for several years) are healthier after their tonsils are removed by a surgical operation. Infections in the nose or sinuses can also cause a sore throat, because the diseased discharge with bacteria inside goes to the throat, which carries the disease here. Irritation dry heat in cold winter months causes a sore throat in a repetitive and flammable manner, especially in the morning. This condition improves by moistening the room and increasing fluid intake. Dry throat also occurs in patients with nasal congestion and constantly breathing through the mouth. In these patients, nose examination and treatment are required. A rare cause of sore throat that occurs in the morning is the return of gastric acid secretion to the mouth and throat and The Associated irritation pain. The treatment for this is to make sure that the head is slightly higher than the bed level when lying down. It is also necessary to be careful not to eat anything 1-2 hours before going to bed. In such a case, it is useful to see your doctor. Industrial pollution and chemicals irritate the throat and nose, but smoking is the most common cause of air pollution.

 It bothers people who are allergic or sensitive to the substances in it. A person who pushes his voice too hard (for example, in a sports match) complains to a sore throat, and the cause of this pain is tension of the vocal cords and mistreatment of the vocal cords. Well-trained and experienced announcers and singers learn not to strain their voices and throats in this way. They remove loud sounds using deep breaths and abdomen and rib cage without straining the throat muscles. Tumors of the throat, tongue, and larynx are also usually associated with long-term smoking and alcohol consumption. A sore throat and difficulty swallowing, which can sometimes spread to the ear, can be symptoms of such a tumor. Often sore throat is mild and chronic and may go unnoticed by the patient. Other important symptoms include hoarseness, mass in the neck, unexplained weight loss, and/or having blood in saliva. Diagnosis of this disease can be made by examination of doctors specializing in otolaryngology with special mirrors and telescopic instruments showing suspicious areas.


A sore throat caused by a cold can be relieved with the following measures:
Increase the amount of liquid you take.
Keep the air in your bedroom moist.
Gargle with salt water several times a day.
Use mild painkillers such as acetaminophen.

If your cold should normally go away in 5-7 days, if it has not passed, you should seek medical attention if it is not due to allergies and irritants. If there are symptoms below, you should see your doctor.
Severe and prolonged sore throat
Difficulty breathing and swallowing
Difficulty opening the mouth
Ear pain, joint pain
Rash, fever
Blood in saliva
Frequent recurrent sore throat
Mass in the neck
Hoarseness lasting more than 2 weeks


Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist