External Otitis Media

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Causes of swimmer's ear and similar problems when water escapes into the ear, it can also carry bacteria and fungi with it. Usually the water comes out again, the ear dries so that bacteria and fungi do not cause a problem in the ear. But sometimes the water stays in the outer ear canal. In this way, the skin is thoroughly moisturized. In this way, bacteria and fungi multiply, spread, leading to infection in the outer ear tract.


  • Feeling of fullness in the ear
  • Itch
  • External ear canal swelling
  • White-yellow discharge
  • Severe ear pain
  • Extreme sensitivity to touch in cartilage
  • Growth of meringues in the neck
  • Call your doctor if you detect these symptoms.


İf you feel water in your ear after swimming, showering, or washing your hair, tilt your head to the side so that your ear is up so that you can drip drops into your ear.

Using ear drops:

  • Drip ear dryer drop by pulling your ear up and back, pull the auricle back and forth so that the drops enter the ear canal.
  • After this procedure, lift your head and wait for the water in the ear to flow out. If you have an ear infection, a hole or otherwise damaged eardrum, if you have had ear surgery, contact an otolaryngologist before swimming or using ear drops.
  • If you do not know that your eardrum has previously been pierced, torn, subjected to paracentesis, or damaged in any way, consult your doctor.
  • If your problems are constantly recurring, your otolaryngologist will advise you to wear your oily (Vaseline) earplugs to your ear before swimming and protect your ears from water.
  • A dry ear is more difficult to inflame. Avoid using cotton swabs, as they push earwax deeper, as well as irritate the ear canal and can cause bleeding.
  • The use of this type of rod in the ear canal is prohibited by many countries.

The swimmer's ear develops more easily in ears that itch, flake, and are blocked by earwax. For this reason, these people should use alcohol drops more tightly as recommended when water gets into the ear. It can also be useful to clean the ears before the swimming season every year.

Why Do Ears Itch?

Itchy ears are quite uncomfortable. Although sometimes the cause may be fungi or allergies, it is more associated with chronic dermatitis (skin inflammation) of the external ear canal. One type of this is seborrheic dermstitis, a condition similar to dandruff. Ear secretions, which are normally slightly brown and have protective properties, are dried, flaky and abundant. Patients should avoid fatty foods, sugar and starches, carbohydrates and chocolates that exacerbate this condition.

Doctors usually prefer cortisone ear drops before going to bed during itchy periods as a treatment. Although long-term cure of the disease is not possible, its control is possible. Many insect species can enter the ear about flies and other insects. Flies can't get stuck in earwax and fly out again. Larger insects can't come back or come back. They can start to flutter, which can cause pain and urkma. It is possible for insects to be thrown out by injecting warm water into the ear canal with an injector (it should be noted that it is dried by dripping alcohol from behind). In order to remove larger insects, lube oil is first dripped into the ear, preventing the insect from breathing and causing it to die.

This should be done by the doctor while removing the insect, which takes 5-10 minutes. About foreign objects beads, pencil tips, erasers, pieces of plastic toys and dried nuts are objects that are often inserted into the ear by children. If it is necessary for an ENT specialist to use special tools under a microscope to remove them, it is recommended to see your doctor immediately. It should be noted that in case of delay, these objects can damage the outer and middle ear and eardrum.


Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist