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Responsibilities of patients and their relatives

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  • Responsibilities of patients and their relatives
Social Security Status, Health, Social Security and personal information changes must be notified in a timely manner.The patient must make a health report card (such as Yesil-Kur, Green Card) Visa on time.BilgilendirmeHasta Related To Health Status; he should give complete information about his complaints, his previous illnesses, whether he has received any inpatient treatment, the medications he is currently using, if any, and all information about his health.Patients and their relatives should report unexpected developments in the treatment and follow-up process to the health care workers responsible for the patient's medical care.He should not follow the recommendations related to his treatment; he should take into account the recommendations related to his treatment and medications and ask where he cannot understand them.Patient; if there is an inability to adapt to recommendations related to his treatment, he should inform the health care professional.The patient must indicate whether he or she understands the health care and post-discharge care plan correctly as expected.The patient is responsible for the consequences caused by refusal of treatment or failure to comply with the recommendations.Compliance With Hospital Rules