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Quality Data

Data accuracy is checked, examined and analyzed by our quality and accreditation team with approximately 50 different quality indicators thanks to the dedicated work of the entire Medicabil team within the scope of national and internationally recognized health service standards. Our process of achieving the results of quality indicators is structured within the puke cycle, which we take as the basis for the operation of our system. Planning, implementation, control (evaluation), analysis, taking precautions, monitoring and improving changes are the basic building blocks of our quality cycle. Our method of verifying our quality data the accuracy of the data and results is checked in monthly periods from the system data verification and user data verification process, taking into account JCI standards.
Also at least once a year,
When a new criterion is applied (in particular, clinical criteria designed for an institution to evaluate and improve an important clinical process or outcome),
If such data will be made public on the institution's website or through other channels,
When a change is made to an existing criterion, for example, if the data collection tools or data allocation process or method have changed,
When the data source changes, for example, when some of the patient records are transferred to electronic media, and so the data source is now both electronic and paper records, or,
If the subject of data collection has changed, for example, the average patient age, comorbidities, changes in the research protocol, new application guidelines have been implemented, or new technologies or treatment methods have been used, the data is verified.
At the slightest deviation that will doubt the accuracy of the data, the relevant quality indicator of that period is either recalculated according to the state of possibility, or the data is considered invalid.
Each of our quality indicators is evaluated within the scope of internationally recognized target values. Even if our compliance with the target value is continuous, we are always on the goal of improvement. Because we know that today, when systems are constantly changing and developing, quality means continuous improvement. "The survivors are neither the smartest nor the strongest of their breed. Only Those Who Keep Up With Change”