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Principles Of Operation

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  • Principles Of Operation
Our working hours are 08:30-17:30 for administrative and patient services personnel.Health Group staff are on duty between 08: 00 and 17:00. However, nighturn seizures are held between 17:00-08:00. On weekdays it is served from 09:00 to 17:30 and on Saturday from 09:00 to 14:00.
Our Wage System
Education status, sector experience and competencies and foreign language knowledge are taken into account in determining the entrance fees of Medicabil hospital employees.Once a year, in January, the wages of our employees can be adjusted according to the performance evaluation results of our employees, the annual inflation rate and industry wages.The salary for the month worked is credited to the relevant salary account of our employees at the bank where we are contracted on a monthly basis.
Our cafeteria caterer our contracted by our employees a minimum of 4 cups of day to lunch, dinner and breakfast are offered to the employees on the night shift.
Those who have a service period from -1 to 5 years (including 5 years) have the right to 14 working days per year,those who have more than -5 years of service less than 15 years have 20 working days per year,those who have -15 years and more have 26 working days per year of paid leave.- In addition, paid excuse permits are used up to 3 days in marriages, and up to 3 days in cases of death of parents, siblings and children of the spouse.