Ankara University Faculty of Medicine - 1992
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Child Health and Diseases - 1997
Work Experiences
- Private Practice (1998-2012)
- Dörtçelik Children's Hospital (1998-2023)
- Private Pedmer Medical Center (2023)
- Bursa City Hospital (2023-2024)
Foreign Languages
Medical Interests
- Healthy Child Follow-up
- Neonatal Jaundice
- Infantile Colic
- Vaccination Follow-up and Disease Prevention
- Eating Disorders Such as Anorexia and Obesity
- Growth and Development Problems
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Recurrent Infections
- Asthma - Bronchitis
- Adenoid and Tonsil Hypertrophies
- Periodic Fever Such as PFAPA, FMF Syndromes
- Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Growth and Development Problems
- Childhood Infections
- Nutrition and Vaccination Monitoring
- Vitamin, Mineral and Immune System Supplements
- Breast Milk and Complementary Nutrition
- Childhood Diseases Between the Ages of 0-18